future is always ideal: The fridge is stocked, the weather clear, the train
runs on schedule and meetings end on time. Today, well, stuff happens.”
Estroff Marano Psychology Today
I ask myself, “Self, why do you continuously make these promises to you and
then allow everything else to become more important than taking care of you?” Rarely does self answer right back or
give a straight answer because to do so would mean admitting that the entire
thing was a charade that I thought was necessary and it clearly is not…at
least, not right now! I am a victim of
what David McRaney, author of “You Are
Now Less Dumb”, terms “present bias” which is being unable to grasp the reality
that what you want will change over time, and what you want now isn’t the same
thing you will want later. This bias also prevents the business professional from
admitting that where they are now, is not going to take them to where they want
to be later. Something always has to
change and change always involves a
conscious decision to become more valuable to ourselves and those around us.
Which brings me the long way around, to my first
2014 point of protocol.
My friend has a quote on her white board that simply states
“My future self cannot be trusted to accomplish today’s task”. This is true. We cannot wait until we are in a
better place in order to get to a better place! Another quote stated that “when
opportunity knocks, it is too late to get ready!” Professional Presence is like
that. If you wait until you need it or don’t understand that it is assumed, you
may never realize you don’t have it or even be aware when it’s expected! If you
don’t know how to shake hands or make a proper introduction, you won’t know
that you are lacking in this skill until you are in the situation. If you don’t
know how to navigate a Business dining situation, you will miss important
elements of the conversation focusing attention on trivial external stimuli
(which glass is mine?!), rather than seizing an opportunity to make a great
impression by demonstrating impeccable manners and a honed intellect! Good
manners and business savvy are soft skills that are not cited, but are assumed
of every job applicant, regardless of physical abilities, social acumen or
education level. Because we never know
what or where life will take us, or when we will have an opportunity to make a
great first impression, the professional business person who wants to actually be, and not just appear polished, ensures that professional protocol training is
part of their yearly check-up. The CEO or company executive that wants to
ensure their workforce always represents their highest standards in the best style,
makes protocol and professional savvy awareness part of the Human Resources
training process through refresher courses, new employee orientation or
workshops that target specific aspects of professionalism.
Protocol is more
than just knowing the right thing, it is doing it. The person who understands
the power of professional presence exudes a level of confidence which elicits
trust and trust always affects the bottom line.
at this time of year when we are all so noticeably focused inwardly and
assessing our need to make self improvements or change, remember that protocol
is the one thing that requires us to focus outwardly. It summarily requires us to make an conscious
investment of attention to other people and be present in the moment. Whether
in business or socially, professional presence requires us to always do one
thing, and that well; to interact with charisma and respect, regardless of our
personal resolutions.
Protocol ~ the silent language of the accomplished professional.
I am Pamela Coopwood, and I am Speaking
of Protocol.